Tuesday, October 17, 2017


'Touch is love, 

love is worship, 

worship is passion, 

and passion creates the energy we call life.

That which is not noticed and touched, 

withers away and dies.' 


1 comment:

Nabil Messih said...

Touch , Love , worship are the Trinity of the Presence of GOD 😊 , for HE Touches us with His Unconditional Love , and the result is eternal Worship to The Creator and The Controller of all the seen and the unseen , and this what inspires us to act in the most sincere way , for l can touch someone soul by a smile , a caring look , a hug and an encouraging word , all of these good deeds are wrapped in a touch of Love , and sealed by an everlasting worship to The LORD ☺️🙏 , The Giver of all gifts and talents , Yes Amen and Amen my Beloveds 💓 in Christ The Resurrected King 👑 . ... Love , live , enjoy and share , with the One Who Cares 💓 ... .